Friday, December 28, 2012

Spoofing For Testing

Hope you guys would have heard about the "Email Spoofing"....

If not, it’s nothing but to steal other’s personal information. When you open (or) view the spoofed email, you expose yourself to hackers who desire to access your inbox and personal records. Emails are spoofed and sent with an intention to mislead. It is considered an illegal activity.

So, what can spoof do for software testing?
Some spoofing points are as follows
>> Uploading HTML/Script files in your application.
>> URL Injection.
>> Checking the expired Authentication Tokens.
>> Verifying the Bookmarked Web pages (in your application) with other logins.
>> Cookie Decryption.

There are bunch of points apart from the above. Make the best use of the spoofing & phishing techniques while doing software testing....

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Triple T

Finishing point of task is complex to report; as there is no specific time period to test the application, there is just completion time specified (module end/release date).

If some specified time is likely given from managers, there could be a few minor functional items omitted at that point of time taking in explicit major functionalities alone in the account.

Overall test execution will be specified in days but generally in a module base testing, it will be mentioned only in hours; as it’s easy to track-in. In some cases, the time specified for a module in job card will be adjustable.

If handful functionalities are there then it can be easily analyzed and tested well before the scheduled time. Task estimate is always a recurrence procedure.

In our test estimation, time consumption happens (double the time from the initial estimation) because of slippages (build delays & iterations) from incorrect estimation.

Apart from meetings, a project task is generally estimated half a day (or) a day (or) in hours. I can observe that we all have a pattern to manage our teams but strategy is identical.

Question: So what's "Triple T" ???
Answer: Triple T >>> "Task Taken Time"...

Testing always depends on Task and Time to make a software look like a Triplet...

CT scan

Ever since our apps are on the cloud, we need to think testing as the same.

Functional & Performance Testing Tool, Defect Tracking & Test Management Tool, Capture & Playback Tool, Regression Testing & Database Testing Tool will be provided by service in TaaS.

TaaS means operating Software Testing with a group of people and tools.

1) Main drawback in general cloud service is the security of the data.
2) Another drawback is when some data disaster happens; revival of data will be complicated.

In some testing services, the Cloud Testing package offers the opportunity to access Test Tools with the Test Environments from anywhere around the world.

[CT scan - Cloud Testing scan]
[TaaS - Testing as a Service ]