Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Testing the Tester’s Pulse!

Height of frustration when our “Project Manager”/ “Team Lead” ask the following statements.

1. Are you sure, you have tested and verified the functionality?

2. Speed up and complete the sanity/regression testing soon as we need to push the latest code into the production instance.

3. It’s just a ‘Change Request’, it will take an hour to test those changes.

4. Guarantee me that, there are no bugs in this tested build.

5. I have a Client Demo within an hour/today, so just have the tasks done. Need this to be in live within the specified time-frame.

6. Are you bored on testing this application repeatedly?

7. Come on/ Plan for Saturday, Sunday or Holidays to test the application.

8. I didn’t have time to read your bug report. Just examine by yourself and close it.

9. Close all the bugs today itself and give an ideal defect report which provides a clear info. (Instead of using the term Testing.)

10. Kindly communicate with developer team and plan accordingly for all the bugs you have posted on Defect reporting tool.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Error Code: (1719) Windows Installer

Yesterday, I tried to plugging-in my USB port with (my mobile with CPU) but there was an access error. Error Code: 1719 [The Windows Installer service could not be accessed.]

If you are getting this error, try the following; as it helped for me.

Sometimes, if the Installer service is disabled, you will get this error. You can turn it on by going to Start, then Run and typing in "Services.msc".

Then scroll down to Windows Installer and double-click on it. Set the Startup Type to "Manual" and click Start to start the service.

Try now... Hopefully your issue is resolved.
You can also start the service by going to Start, Run and type in net start MSIServer into the Run box.